Martin Shkreli Is Auctioning Off The Opportunity To Punch Him In The Face And Literally Everyone Wants It

After jacking the price of a medication up 5,556%, lots of people seem eager to punch this dude in the face.



“Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli was pretty much eviscerated on social media and public discourse after buying a pharmaceutical company and then jacking up the price of a life-saving drug it produced by 5,556%. He’s collected a lot of haters since then, and now he’s giving those haters the opportunity of a lifetime.

According to Shkreli, he wants to financially help the young son of a late friend. To do this, he is giving everyone in the world the opportunity to punch him right in the face.

Unfortunately for us everyday Janes and Joes, the price is getting expensive.

In the last few hours, he has changed the auction format slightly, allowing the winner to punch him OR go to dinner with him, and turning it into raffle vs. an auction.

This could be your chance to punch the most notorious pharma bro in history (or take him to dinner, whatever).

People are pretty excited about this:

Not many people seem interested in the dinner option… Thought Catalog Logo Mark