Numerous South Carolina Children Claim That Clowns Have Been Trying To Lure Them Into The Woods

"There has been several conversations and a lot of complaints to the office regarding a clown or a person dressed in clown clothing taking children or trying to lure children in the woods."


Flickr / Bruce Szalwinski

(GREENVILLE, SC) — How would you feel if your children were being terrorized by a supposed gang of clowns?

Well, residents of a quaint South Carolina apartment complex were horrified to find this note — describing exactly that scenario — pinned to their door early this week.


Plain text:

To The Residents of Fleetwood Manor

There has been several conversations and a lot of complaints to the office regarding a clown or a person dressed in clown clothing taking children or trying to lure children in the woods. First and foremost at Fleetwood Manor Apartments children’s safety is a top priority. At no time should a child be alone at night, or walking in the roads or wooded areas at night. Also if a person or persons are seen you are to immediately call the police.

Greenville County Police Department is aware of the situation and have been riding the property daily. Remember there is a 10pm curfew for the property so to ensure your children’s safety please keep them in the house during night hours and make sure at ALL times children are supervised. Anymore information that becomes regarding this issue will be sent out to all residents.

Thank you,

Property Manager

Understandably, this letter has many residents worried and, quite frankly — freaking out. Many parents have been frightened far before the note, however, because they or their children actually saw these supposed clowns lurking around the area.

I thought my child was seeing things,” Donna Arnold told local news. “And then the next day I had about 30 kids come up to me and say, ‘Did you see the clown in the woods?”

And this was not an isolated sighting — numerous children and adults have claimed to see the clowns lurking around the complex. These clowns have been reported to shine laser pointers, stalk children around the complex, and use displays of money to try to tempt kids to follow them into a nearby wooded area.

Investigative reports state police met with a mother, whose name was redacted, who witnessed the clowns in the woods after her son notified her of their presence. The woman told deputies the clowns were shining green laser lights in the woods.

Another resident also reported seeing a “large-figured clown with a blinking nose” standing under a streetlight near the trash dumpsters.

Deputies spoke with children who told them clowns tried “to persuade them into the woods further by displaying large amounts of money.” The children advised they believed the clowns lived in an old house near a pond, accessible via a trial behind the apartment complex. (Source)

Police confirmed that they have been called to investigate these sightings, and have beefed up patrols around the area.

Reports of clown sightings are still persisting as of now. No deaths or disappearances, as of yet, have been linked to the sightings. Thought Catalog Logo Mark