How This Daughter Responds To Her Absent Father Will Teach You Everything You Need To Know About Forgiveness

Maybe this is how things get better.


Flickr / swong95765
Flickr / swong95765
Flickr / swong95765

Oftentimes our lives are filled to the brim with shitty people, and we just have to deal with that. And sometimes, we try to find forgiveness — but forgiving someone can be hard.

But maybe we are the ones making it so hard

Jennifer Thomas shares the story of her daughter, and how her biological father ducked out a long time ago. When this father finally meets her daughter, and when her daughter learns news of her biological father’s life, her comments will melt your heart.

Here’s the story:

Facebook via Imgur

This post is incredibly candid and real. Read on:

Facebook via Imgur

“Mom, he figured out how to be a dad. That’s such a nice thing. I’m happy for his kids.”

Maybe we all — in our darkest moments — need to adopt this pure childlike perspective and find it in our hearts to be happy for people, even those who don’t necessarily deserve it.

Maybe we need to let go of the hate, and appreciate every good thing that happens in this world — even to those who we perhaps rightfully begrudge.

Maybe that’s how things get better. Thought Catalog Logo Mark