This Dog Can Sniff Out Your Porn

"URL" is a black Lab who works for Utah’s Weber County police force.


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Hello, I am dog.

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Youtube / wochit News

I am a black Lab dog.

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Youtube / wochit News

I am a black Lab dog named URL.

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Youtube / wochit News

I am a black Lab dog named URL.

And I can smell your porn.

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Youtube / wochit News

“URL” is a black Lab who works for Utah’s Weber County police force. His job is to sniff out pornography, like when the police are hunting child pornography and other illegal, obscene materials.

According to the police force, URL doesn’t actually smell porn. What he smells, rather, is certain electronic scents:

“URL does not actually search for illegal materials, but rather his highly sensitive nose has been trained to detect the unique chemical compounds found in the certain electronic components.”

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Youtube / wochit News

Keep up the good work, URL! Thought Catalog Logo Mark