Fall In Love With A Guy Who Shows The Fuck Up

Fall in love with a guy who shows up. A guy who comes five minutes early, a guy who brings flowers or a hug. The guy who doesn't make you feel like you're an obligation, or just another checkbox on a list of things he has to do before the end of the day.



Fall in love with a guy who shows up. A guy who comes five minutes early, a guy who brings flowers or a hug. The guy who doesn’t make you feel like you’re an obligation, or just another checkbox on a list of things he has to do before the end of the day. Fall in love with a guy who takes the stress away — not adds more. Fall in love with a guy who seems to melt time when you’re together. The guy you can fall asleep with, the guy you can wake up with, the guy you can cook breakfast with.

Fall in love with a guy who asks if you’re home — not for some booty call, but to make sure you made it there safely.

Fall in love with a guy who makes his affection obvious. The guy who talks to you not just to make you happy, but because he genuinely wants to hear the sound of your voice.

Fall in love with a guy who makes an effort. The guy who doesn’t throw in the towel when things get hard, who doesn’t storm away and run when you have a disagreement. A guy who is willing to sit down and talk through shit, even when it’s uncomfortable or hard. A guy who is always honest, always direct, and speaks kindly.

Fall in love with a guy who treats other people well — not just you. The guy who speaks well of people when their backs are turned.

The guy who tips waiters well when you’re out to eat, and always holds his friends close. Fall in love with the guy who will leave a casual date with you if one of their friends is having a crisis. Fall in love with the guy who cares about you, absolutely yes, but also cares about their friends and humanity.

Fall in love with the guy who calls his mom once a week, and speaks well of her. The guy who wants you to meet his parents, and wants you to be a part of his life. The guy who introduced you to his childhood dog, and shows you the park where he played as a child. Fall in love with the guy who wants you to know his world, and be a big part of it.

Fall in love with a guy who cooks you dinner. Who gives you surprises, who does something little every day to make your life better. The guy who offers to drive you places — even just to hang out with your friends. The guy who goes out of his way to make your life a happier experience.

Fall in love with a guy who gets along with your friends, and wants to get to know your friends.

The guy who encourages you to hang out with your pals, and doesn’t insist on having your attention every second. Fall in love with the guy who treasures every moment he has with you, but appreciates that you have other people in your life that you care about too.

Fall in love with the guy who you have inside jokes with. Who you’ve spent enough time around to find constantly hilarious. The guy who makes you laugh, and laugh, and laugh over the silliest most trivial things. Fall in love with the guy who brings joy to your life — not just temporary happiness, no — but longterm and enduring joy.

Fall in love with the guy who shows the fuck up. The guy who is here to be a part of your life, not just take a chunk of it in the form of sex, or your time, or your looks. Fall in love with the guy who is ready to share something with you. Fall in love with the guy who shows up and makes the most of every moment. Fall in love with the guy who isn’t just going through the motions with “some person,” fall in love with the guy whose love is exclusive. To you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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