Here Is The Most Haunted Location In Every State

25. Missouri — Lemp Mansion

Built at the turn of the century by beer brewing barons, the Lemp Mansion is said to be haunted by numerous different spirits. One of Thought Catalog’s writers actually stayed overnight here not just once, but twice! While there she was disturbed by the ghost of Charles Lemp who stirred her from her sleep and tried to hold her hand.

There are said to be other spirits haunting the mansion, including the “Lavendar Lady” and other members of the Lemp family.

26. Montana — The Old Montana Territorial Prison

Flickr / Ken Lund
Flickr / Ken Lund

As it turns out, the gold rush attracted a great deal of dishonest and thieving people. Because of that, there was a huge demand for a large-scale prison out west. This demand was met with the Montana Territorial Prison.

Built in 1870, the prison became infamous for riots and escape attempts. The prison is no longer in operation, but many guests report seeing guards and prisoners walk through the facility. Those who have ventured into the solitary confinement cell have been said to experience physical disturbances, such as the sensation of being scratched or chocked.

27. Nebraska — Blackbird Hill

One dreary day a party of Omaha Indians found a young man bleeding, ragged, and near death on Blackbird Hill. The indians took him in, and he explained to them how he had ended up there. He had been engaged to marry a young woman from the east, but first he wanted to travel through Europe. He was delayed in returning, however, and by the time he returned his lover had married another man and moved out west.

Determined to find her, the man scoured the countryside. At last, he came upon her cottage and they were rejoiced to be reunited. The woman pledged to leave her husband and remarry her true love. When the woman told her husband, however, he became violent and began slashing her and the man with a knife.

Seeing the totality of what he had done, the husband grabbed his wife and ran off the mountain cliff to both of their deaths. The man tried to stop them, but collapsed on the hilltop where he was found by the indians. It is said that every October 17th, her spirit can be heard crying through the wind. According to rumor, no plant life will grow on the path that once led to the couple’s cottage.

28. Nevada — The Washoe Club

The Old Washoe Club is located in Virginia, Nevada, which is considered one of the most haunted cities in America. The club itself is said to be haunted by an old blonde prostitute who was killed on the third floor. There is also said to be the spirt of a very young girl who was killed in the basement. While in the club, people have also reportedly seen orbs floating around parts of the building. Here is one person’s account from a travel website:

Trip Advisor
Trip Advisor


29. New Hampshire — Pine Hill Cemetery

Flickr / Heather Katsoulis
Flickr / Heather Katsoulis

Pine Hill Cemetery, or its nickname, the “Blood Cemetery” is possibly one of the most haunted locations in all of New England. The name comes from the “Blood” family, who are interned toward the front of the graveyard. Many people now believe that Abel Blood, a member of the family, haunts the surrounding grounds.

People have reported seeing orbs, shadows, strange tappings, and weird anomalies in photographs. A local resident commented on a ghost story blog about her real experiences in the graveyard:


30. New Jersey — The Gates Of Hell

Youtube / TheUnknownCameraman
Youtube / TheUnknownCameraman

There are countless rumors surrounding this massive tunnel system. Many people claim that the tunnel is still used for satanic rituals and human sacrifice. Countless people who have ventured through the Gates of Hell have claimed to hear whispering, quiet chanting, felt malevolent presences, or even seen apparitions.

I have explored every inch of Clifton and nowhere is as eerie as the Gates of Hell!  It’s said that a spirit, known as Red Eyed Mike, guards the tunnel.  If you knock on the railroad ties above the entrance in groups of three, you will hear a loud horn sound from within the tunnel.  I have heard this horn on occasion, and have seen rocks hurling themselves out of the tunnel with no person visible inside.  I also once witnessed a small human shaped figure run out of the tunnel towards Weasel Brook Park with superhuman speed.  I have been told that this is Red Eyed Mike. – Jeff H via Weird NJbeetlejuice

31. New Mexico — Luna Mansion

The Luna Mansion is now a restaurant (and apparently a pretty good one based on the reviews), but it remains plagued by the supernatural.

Employees at the mansion report apparitions that seat themselves at tables as customers, but then just vanish. Lights frequently turn themselves on, and swinging doors move without human manipulation.

32. New York — The House of Death

This infamous house is supposedly haunted by 22 ghosts, including author Mark Twain. The house was converted into apartments in the 1970s, and many people are said to have died within its walls. People have reportedly felt “monstrous presences” and seen not only Mr. Twain, but also a woman in white, a child, and a grey cat.

33. North Carolina — Brown Mountain

North Carolina’s Brown Mountain is home to the mysterious Brown Mountain orbs. Reports of these lights go all the way back to 1922 when they were dismissed as a “train light.”

But the lights still persist to this day. Many claim that they are lost native American spirits attempting to find rest. Numerous government studies have failed to produce anything resembling an explanation for the paranormal bulbs.

34. North Dakota — The Children’s Museum at Yunker Farm

Facebook / The Children's Museum at Yunker Farm
Facebook / The Children’s Museum at Yunker Farm

It’s a children’s museum, right?? How scary can it be?? Well, apparently this Fargo-museum has patrons from the paranormal, and they have freaked quite a few people out.

The ghost of Elizabeth Yunker is said to haunt the building after dying there a long time ago.

We talked to Fargo-native and Thought Catalog writer Kendra Syrdal who spent a lot of time there as a girl. She witnessed the elevator moving on its own, and felt someone grab her ankles while crawling through a play tunnel, but nobody was there. She also said that the carousel has been reported to move by itself after closing.

35. Ohio — The Mansfield Reformatory

You might recognize The Mansfield Reformatory as the set for the movie “Shawshank Redemption.” The prison, now long retired, might still intern some prisoners who stayed past their natural life.

People have reported being touched, sensing disturbing presences, seeing shadows and hearing audible voices from nowhere. Every corner of the building seems to be riddled with the paranormal. The building remains open for paid tours, so more reports keep coming in constantly.

36. Oklahoma — Skirvin Hotel

Youtube / MysteriousOklahoma
Youtube / MysteriousOklahoma

The Skirvin Hotel is infested with the paranormal, and has scared away many celebrated people. The New York Knicks blamed a 2010 loss on lack of sleep they received due to hauntings in the hotel. Sports commentator Reggie Miller has said that his water bottle was moved in his sleep while staying at the Skirvin.

It is said that when a woman became pregnant with a married man’s child, she was locked in a closet at the Skirvin to hide the sordid affair. She is said to have gone insane, giving birth in the closet and then jumping out the window. This woman’s ghost, called “Effie,” is said to haunt the hotel to this day.

37. Oregon — White Eagle Saloon

Facebook / The White Eagle
Facebook / The White Eagle

Built in 1905, the White Eagle Saloon is home to many paranormal entities. The bar is said to be haunted by the ghost of a prostitute on the second floor, and spirits of mothers who disposed of their babies in the basement are said to wander around the building. Men kidnapped for slave labor are also said to venture through the halls, as if eternally wondering how they were so foolishly trapped.

In addition, the freezer door is said to open and shut by itself, and music can be heard playing without any source. The building’s former Housekeeper, Sam, is also said to still be looking over the premises.

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Jacob Geers

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