Woman Sues eBay Because They Won’t Let Her Sell Plots Of Land On The Sun

Duran believes she owns the sun, because, well, she says she does. Now she wants to sell it for $1.13 per square meter on eBay.


Flickr / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Flickr / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Flickr / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

A spanish woman by the name of Maria Angeles Duran believes that she owns the sun, and she is suing eBay for not letting her use their website to sell plots of it.

Duran believes she owns the sun, because, well, she says she does.

While international law prohibits any nation can claim ownership of the sun, Duran says that provision does not apply to private citizens, so she has every right to establish property ownership. So, in 2010 she registered our solar system’s star under her name at a notary, and began selling it for €1 ($1.13) per square meter.

Despite all the haters, Duran insists that she knows what she is doing.

“There was no snag, I backed my claim legally, I am not stupid, I know the law. I did it but anyone else could have done it, it simply occurred to me first,” Duran told the Daily Mail

A few years after making her “claim”, she began selling the plots on popular eCommerce website, eBay. Buyers would get a certificate with their proof of claim over the land (??) on the sun. According to Duran, she had roughly 600 purchases before eBay shuttered the page.

Left with commission fees to pay, and no profits, Duran began her lengthy legal battle against eBay. She filed suit for breach of contract in 2014, and has now been granted the right to sue.

Is it enough to say that this story is…out of this world 😏 ? Thought Catalog Logo Mark