Watch The Most Cringeworthy Diving Fails Ever To Appear On Live TV


Youtube / Bampire TheDog
Youtube / Bampire TheDog
Youtube / Bampire TheDog

And you thought belly smacking into your backyard swimming pool was rough.

These poor souls from the Philippine Diving Team managed to blunder their way into some fail-tastic dives that left the team with no points, and the rest of us wincing.

This Guy Knows What Is About to Happen.

Youtube / Bampire TheDog
Youtube / Bampire TheDog

ABORT ABORT! Prepare For Impact!

Youtube / Bampire
Youtube / Bampire TheDog

“It is Gonna Hurt Anyways, Might As Well Raise My Hands To The Roof!”

Youtube / Bampire TheDog

Disclaimer: This Full Clip Might Leave You Wincing

0 / 10 for diving, but 10 / 10 for entertainment value. Thought Catalog Logo Mark