Watch Chris Pratt Get The Sh*t Scared Out Of Him By Fake Dinosaurs

It turns out that all of Chris Pratt's dinosaur wrangling skills were just acting.


Youtube / SA Wardega

It’s a prank of jurassic proportions.

The Polish based pranksters at SA Wardega wanted to see Jurassic World’s Chris Pratt scared shitless, but apparently they wanted to do it while ALSO being tragically ironic. So they decided to terrify him. With dinosaurs.

They Set Up Their Animatronic Dinosaurs And Lie In Wait

Youtube / SA Wardega
Youtube / SA Wardega

It Is About To Happen…

Youtube / SA Wardega
Youtube / SA Wardega


Youtube / SA Wardega
Youtube / SA Wardega

In the end, Pratt turns out to be an excellent sport about the whole thing, even asking how to curse the pranksters out in their native Polish.

When Pratt asks the pranksters where the giant fake dinosaurs came from, he gets no answers, which is normal, because they are perfectly ordinary things to have laying around…right? Pratt also groans when he realizes that the whole prank was on camera, because he knew we’d all want to watch it. And he was right.

See The Whole Thing Here

Somehow this might be better than Jurassic World itself. Thought Catalog Logo Mark