Man Cuts All Of His Belongings In Half And Sells Them On eBay To Get Back At His Ex

A man decided that the best way to divvy up his positions with an ex-partner was for them to each get half. Literally.


eBay / der.juli
eBay / der.juli
eBay / der.juli

Apparently this breakup didn’t go well.

A man decided that the best way to divvy up his positions with an ex-partner was for them to each get half. Literally.

halfbike 2
eBay / der.juli
halfcomputer 2
eBay / der.juli
eBay / der.juli
eBay / der.juli

After cutting everything in two, the man decided that he would sell his half on eBay.

eBay / der.juli
eBay / der.juli

He posted this detailed video of him cutting the possessions on YouTube, entitled “For Laura”.

The caption, which is in German, reads:

Thank you for 12 “beautiful ” years Laura!!!!! you’ve really earned half, Greetings also to my successor

I could be wrong, but it seems like this couple has some unresolved issues they might need to work out… Thought Catalog Logo Mark