12 Things To Do In My Mid-20s


So I recently turned 24. That puts me in my mid twenties, and I’m not going to lie, I feel no different. In general, I enjoy life, but I’m not getting as much out of it as I would like. Like most 20-somethings, I’m going to try to organize my life. Right here. Right now. And this is my public declaration. You’ll all be keeping me to these things without doing a thing, so thanks!

1. Finish a book a month. Go through 12 classics I’ve never read, but should. Moby Dick, Catcher in the Rye, Great Gatsby, and others are potentials. Write about it.

2. Start doing push-ups in the morning before showering. Start for 25, and up this number when possible. See where you can be by the end of the year.

3. Stop hitting the snooze button. It is lost time in life. Enjoy the snooze button on lazy Sundays.

4. Learn people’s names more often. Also, try to ask  these new people more questions about their own lives.

5. Start wearing nice shoes to work. To start, buy nice shoes. Re-work the whole wardrobe I suppose. My fashion sense is quite eccentric in my clothing choices, and often I get odd things that I should have been convinced to avoid, so find a shopping buddy.

6. Get brunch with a friend at least once a month. Your mother can count as a friend. I got this one checked off early this month with birthday brunch.

7. Eat a salad once a week. Try to do it more, but no less than once a week. Some of you may scoff at me having just one salad on the list, but I’m working on it.

8. Listen to a new album of music each week. Write about it.

9. Get to know a bartender. Their name. Where they are from. What they like to drink. Always tip well.

10. Get at least one picture taken a month, with someone. Look good. At least try to look good.

11. Call family more often. Everyone says they won’t be around forever, and to get to know your parents now especially. I’m going to work on calling them more often.

12. Plan a Budget. Stick to it. Once a month. Do it.

Twelve things. That might be too much to tackle as a 24-year-old. But I’m going to try. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Jackson Street

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