What Your Favorite Smells Might Say About You

So everyone has that smell where their body kind of pauses and then rises up a bit, soaking in the delicious aroma. It could be the tangy burst of a freshly cut lemon. It might be the crisp scent of fall air and football on a Saturday morning in October. You might favor the promise of hot-out-of-the-oven cookies. Whatever your nose desires, it’s a great moment when you catch a whiff.


Now, if I personally brewed up a batch of Amortentia, I, like Hermione, would smell Freshly Mown Grass. However, my other favorites include School Bus Exhaust and the smell of Hazelnut. Each of these things shows a bit about my character and personality.

So, what do your favorite smells really say about you?

Freshly Mown Grass

You are likely an outdoorsy person. You’re likely to be a go-getter, someone who has a strong drive for activities, but also has that free hippie-ish vibe. You value hard work and you really value people who put in a good effort all the time. Quite possibly you’re a Hufflepuff.

A Really Fancy Cologne or Perfume

You’re a bit materialistic, but that’s okay. You like money. You like things. Everyone has a materialistic thing at times, but we keep it in check. However, if you love a fancy cologne, you probably are also drawn to a suit and a fat wallet. I’m not going to lie, it’s quite a Slytherin preference.

School Bus Exhaust

This smell brings out the mom/dad in a lot of us. It’s a smell that takes you back to the schoolyard and all the buses lined up and waiting. It shows off you appreciation of education, and how it can really make the country grow. You probably care about teaching people, and you want to educate anyone about anything. You are probably a bit of a know-it-all.


It’s a smell of energy and excitement. You’re probably a big extrovert and like to be out with people in fun places. You probably enjoy sports, not guaranteed, but probably. You’re probably going to get along with people that are genuinely nice to you. You’re trusting. Charcoal is definitely a Gryffindor smell.

Ocean Breeze

You’re a dreamer. You like to escape away to the best of times. Constantly a glass-half-full person, you’re also everyone’s go to for a pick me up. You’ll never let people on the outside see your sadness. You also probably love to be cooked for.



The aroma of the dirt when rain first starts is so fresh and clean. It brings about it a new face of innocence. You’re likely appreciative of the rain smell most when you need to wash away a recent mistake. You likely enjoy nature and quite possibly practice yoga or tai-chi. You likely have a vivid memory, and really enjoyed playing games outdoors with the neighbor kids growing up.

Bath & Body Works


You have a lot of individual flair and style, but you still like to operate within the comfortable norms of society. You’re not likely to be too out-there on anything, but you’re quick and witty enough to bring personality to commonalities. You thrive in groups because you can both follow directional cues and take charge, depending on the situation. 

Hazelnut Coffee


You’re likely a high-energy person. You love your Starbucks in the morning and probably are a bit of a work-out nut. You’ll also be into fashion, constantly the envy of your friends. You bring a bit of pep and excitement with you constantly, but are likely one who needs a companion for comfort, instead of seeking reflective alone time.

The Pages of an Old Book

via Shutterstock.com

You walk into a bookshop and just stand there, smelling the blissful escape that is your world. You’re probably a Ravenclaw. You also have a wild imagination, and likely get into a bit of trouble when you’re not nose-deep in your latest novel.

Maybe my interpretation of you was spot on… but what’s more likely is that I was way off. It is impossible to judge someone completely based on one characteristic. However, I tend to think that smells are a key indicator of personality. And I’d love to know what makes you stop in your tracks, whether to smell the roses or just to enjoy the fluttering smell of the bakery down the street.

About the author

Jackson Street

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