Dear 2019—Sue Me For Moving On

Sue me for keeping my heels, head and standards high but middle finger even higher.

Sue me for appreciating life as it comes, and celebrate milestones as if there is no tomorrow.

Sue me for wishing the people who’ve done me wrong well, for moving on with life.

Sue me for being good to myself, finding balance whilst continuing my quest to get the hang of a foreign concept called “adulting.”

Sue me for keeping my promises.

Sue me for loving my imperfections, embracing my flaws and spreading that love across the globe.

Sue me, 2019, because when the clock strikes 12, I won’t lose my shoe (depending on how much champagne I’ve enjoyed, I’m only human..)

I won’t lose my strength, I won’t lose my dignity, I won’t be the lasting damsel in distress in need of a fairy Godmother, I will move on to a new chapter in my life – just like you.

Sue me, 2019, for when the clock strikes 12, I will be the one keeping my resolutions, cutting the cord to any unnecessary drama keeping me up at night.

Sue me, 2019, for living my life the way I choose, for the countless mistakes I will keep on making, with the lessons I will keep on learning.

Sue me, 2019, for radiating positivity, taking control of my dreams instead of waiting for my carriage to turn into a pumpkin.

Sue me, 2019, for being my own damn hero yet embrace my vulnerability to ask for help when I need it.

Sue me 2019, for I no longer justify my actions as if I stood before a jury in court.

Because when the clock strikes 12, I will click my heels together three times and say “There’s no place like home,” and realize that I’ve had the power to write my own damn tale all along. [tc-mark[

About the author

Isabelle Zanzer

Professional Nomad