When Home Is A Garden
Those who are meant for you will find their way to you,
but that does not imply that they’ll stay forever.
In fact, most will only stay for a time
before they leave your life
silently and softly
But sometimes people are so intensely present in our lives
that when they leave it is more of a disaster.
Some people are hurricanes.
They run through you, leaving behind
but remains.
They leave you with a mess
that you can never quite clean.
They leave you with so many questions
that simply do not have answers,
and you never really stop
searching for them.
Your poor soul will try
to piece together a reality that never existed,
and you will have to choose
between moving on or sleeping
in the remains of what once was.
It is important
you choose not to live in a place
that has been destroyed.
Because no matter how hard you try
to put the pieces back together,
to rebuild,
you can not shatter
and go back to being exactly the same.
The more nights you spend sleeping
in the ruins of your past,
the more ruined you will become.
The air you breathe
has been polluted with dust from fallen buildings,
and the ground on which you sleep
has been poisoned.
You can not grow through toxic ground.
Sometimes the best thing you can do
after you’ve been destroyed
is start over.
Start over in a new place.
Leave it all behind.
Leave behind the land that is infertile
underneath the heaviness of your past.
Find a new place, and instead of building a house or a city,
plant seeds.
Fertilize the ground with love.
Cultivate it with hope.
Patiently watch
as the beauty of your new home blossoms
as each day it becomes more beautiful than the day before.
Sleep under the stars.
Watch the seasons come and go.
Observe the cycle of life,
how the seeds you have planted root themselves,
how they grow,
how they wilt,
how they die,
how they are always replaced with something wonderful.
When it rains, dance
in gratitude of the growth it brings.
When it is cloudy, focus on the rays of light
that penetrate softly, but surely, through.
When the sun shines, welcome it with a smile and a bow,
just like the sunflowers do.
Bask in the warmth of a home that has no walls.
Appreciate a home without restraints.
And should a hurricane ever rush through again, just remember
that houses may be destroyed,
buildings may collapse,
but gardens will simply re-grow.