6 Facebook Statuses That Aren’t So Bad

Shutterstock / Goodluz
Shutterstock / Goodluz

Terran Tout wrote this brilliant and funny piece about what to stop doing on Facebook. The piece makes me realize just how annoying Facebook has become. But upon reflection on how I use it in my own life – crowdsourcing, connecting with long lost relatives, keeping up on trending news stories (actual news, not celeb gossip), and hearing about budding movements, I realized there are some things that people do well on Facebook – and that they should keep doing and that others should emulate. So here goes, the 6 Facebook Statuses that Aren’t So Bad.

1. The Legit Call Out

“Fox News (or other bigoted media outlet/organization/individual) is a hateful, inaccurate, terrible place to learn about anything.”

In a world where absolutely nothing is unbiased, where misnomers like “post-racial” are ubiquitous, and sexism still reigns, I give props to those Facebookers who call out views that are decisively divisive and overtly oppressive.

2. The Legit Acknowledgement

“Congratulations to California for banning single use plastic bags!”

When someone does something good that helps people and planet (not something that only helps themselves), it’s worth it to let others know about it.

3. The Genuinely Funny and Relevant Meme

We are bombarded each day in social media with negative, sometimes horrifying images of war and poverty and irrelevant anecdotes about worthless celebrities or yet another cat. I say, bring on the memes that turn your frown upside down.

4. The Positive News Story

“Mom’s Hug Revives Baby.”

Similar to #3, news has become absolutely depressing. Pictures and stories we share with each other are absolutely depressing. A little more inspiration and positivity and focus on what’s good in the world might actually help us help each other to make this world a better place. This is different from the out-of-control “You’ll never believe what will happen to you if you click here,” stories. I say, stop that.

5. The Movement Maker

“Buses leave NYC at 5pm from Penn Station. See you in Ferguson.”

Have a cause? Organizing a world-changing, history-making event? Share it and build your base of support and educate others about what’s happening, why you’re involved, and why they should be involved. Of course discretion is advised (see: potato salad kickstarter).

6. The Crowd Source for Help

“A child has been reported missing from xyz location. If you have seen this child, notify police immediately.”

Everyone is on social media and everyone is mobile these days. The more people that become aware a person is missing, the more chances of finding them. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Ibrahim Abdul-Matin

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