Holly Riordan
Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.
I’m Unlearning How To Love In Toxic Ways
Breaking up with someone toxic is the bravest thing you could ever do. You should be proud of yourself for raising your expectations, for refusing to settle for the crumbs you’ve been given and deciding you deserve better.
The Worst Part Of Anxiety Is Feeling Unwanted, Alone, And Isolated
Social anxiety makes you isolate yourself because you feel safer by yourself. When you’re alone, no one is judging you. There’s no pressure. You can relax, loosen your shoulders, and be your unfiltered self.
Having History With Them Isn’t Enough
Having history with someone could keep you in the wrong relationship for longer than necessary. It could convince you to tough it out when things get bad, even though you deserve better and should leave.
You’ll Never Enjoy The Single Life Until You Accept These 7 Truths
Relationships can contribute to your overall happiness, but they won’t magically make your problems disappear.
We All Want A Love That’s Stable
I want a love that’s stable. I don’t want fireworks one day and thunderstorms the next. I want my person to treat me with consistency and respect.
Cutting Someone Out Of Your Life Takes A Lot Of Strength
It takes strength to stay away from someone, even when you’re missing them. Even when you’re desperate to hear their voice. Even when you aren’t sure if you’re ever going to find someone like them again.
Sometimes, Just Existing Is Enough
Some days, you’re going to run through your workload like a beast, crossing off every single item on your to-do list before the sun sets.
The Hardest Part Of An Almost Relationships Is The False Hope
The false hope is what keeps you coming back for more. It’s the reason why you haven’t moved on from them yet.
Walk Away When It Just Feels Wrong
When it feels wrong, you don’t need a ‘good’ reason to leave. This person might be your perfect match on paper. They might check off all your boxes.
Date Someone Who Isn’t Afraid To Say They Care
Date someone who texts to check in on you, who remembers the little things you say, who is unafraid to admit how much they care.
Gentle Reminders For Anyone Struggling With Their Anxiety
You are worthy. You have worth, even when you feel unloved and unsuccessful, even when you feel lost and lonely. You are an important piece of this world. Your existence matters. Don’t let yourself forget it.
6 Reminders When Your Big Dreams Just Aren’t Coming True
Your wildest dreams aren’t going to become a reality overnight. These things take time.
Never Apologize For Setting Boundaries
Stop spending time with people who disrespect you, who cross lines they know will bother you, who accuse you of being overly sensitive when they say something that hurts your feelings.
Date Someone Who Eases Your Anxiety
Don’t date the guy who makes you feel bad when you want to spend an evening at home. Don’t date the guy who gets angry about how quiet you are around his friends.
Date Someone Who Loves All Your Insecurities
Date someone who actually gets upset when you call yourself ugly, because he doesn’t understand how someone so beautiful could have such a warped perception of herself.
The Secret Of Spending A Day With Your Soulmate
6:00 AM You’re not ready to wake up, but he’s an early riser, so his eyes are opened.
You’re Way Too Beautiful To Deal With Him Not Giving Enough
You know how there are certain days when you look in the mirror, see how soft your skin looks, and tell yourself that you’re killing the beauty game?
Love Yourself The Way You Wish He Loved You
You want affection. You want attention. You want complete and unadulterated love. Everyone does.