Holly Riordan
Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.
Why Your Almost Relationship Never Became Something More
Don’t assume it’s your fault your almost relationship never became something more.
5 Gentle Reminders For When You’re Overworked And Overstressed
You can’t do everything at once. Even though it might help to create a list of things you need to accomplish this week, dwelling on all those tasks might feel overwhelming.
6 Signs You Are Too Trusting For Your Own Good
Whenever someone hurts you, you forgive them without a second thought. If someone makes the same mistakes over and over again, they are no longer mistakes. They are conscious choices.
6 Things Most People Won’t Understand About Your Anxiety
Most people don’t understand that you can’t stop your anxiety in its tracks. While breathing exercises and positive thinking can be helpful, those things aren’t going to magically make your anxious thoughts disappear.
Stop Putting Up With These 6 Narcissistic Behaviors
They need constant praise. If you choose anyone over them, even yourself and your own mental health, there’s going to be hell to pay. You’re not allowed to place other friends, family members, or even pets above them.
5 Lies You’ve Grown Up Believing Because Of Toxic Humans
It takes effort to love you. Toxic humans will make you feel like you’re unlovable, so they get credit for putting up with you. However, the right person won’t feel like you’re a burden.
It Takes Strength To Have A Soft Heart In This World
It’s hard to stay soft in a world that is filled with so much pain. You should be proud of yourself for having such strong morals, for leading with kindness, for continuing to love with your whole heart.
Don’t Let Them Guilt Trip You Into Taking Them Back
Walking away from someone toxic is hard enough. However, not enough people talk about how hard it is to stay away.
Why You Should Date Someone Who Wears Their Heart On Their Sleeve
Some people play mind games and pretend not to care in order to attract partners – but there are other ways to find love. There are people out there who appreciate honesty and vulnerability.
Why You Should Never Stop Acting Clingy
You probably aren’t as clingy as you’ve been led to believe. Some people will act like your behavior is unacceptable because your strong feelings are making them uncomfortable.
4 Reasons You Won’t Reach Your Dreams Unless You Take A Break
Your value doesn’t come from your productivity. You don’t have to earn a break. If you’re tired, you should take a breather because you’re a living creature who deserves to feel rested and relaxed.
4 Reminders For Soft Hearts Who Lived Through Toxic Environments
Healing is a journey that lasts a lifetime. Even though you want to wake up in the morning completely healed, that isn’t the way pain works. You are going to have good days and bad days.
6 Signs You Should Stop Trying To Repair The Relationship
Sometimes, relationships can be repaired with enough tough conversations and compromises. Sometimes, communicating will at least give you some sense of closure. Other times, dealing with this person is not worth the headache they will give you.
You Can Do Everything Right And Still Get Screwed
It doesn’t matter whether you do the right thing. It doesn’t matter whether you treat everyone around you with love and respect. Your hard work isn’t always going to be appreciated.
For The Humans Who Feel Unloved
For a moment, let’s set aside the fact that you’re probably more loved than you realize. You might not be in a relationship, but someone could be crushing on you from afar.
8 Types Of People Who Don’t Deserve Your Time Or Attention
People who make you feel guilty about doing what’s best for yourself. You need to put your mental health first. If others don’t understand your needs, it’s not your problem.
Poor Communication Will Weaken The Strongest Relationships
Communication is one of the most important pieces to a strong, healthy relationship. Love isn’t enough. Effort isn’t enough. You need to feel like you can talk to your partner and encourage them to talk to you.
7 Little Ways You Are Unintentionally Hurting Yourself
You’re lying to yourself about your happiness. It’s one thing to put on a fake smile and lie to the rest of the world. It’s even worse when you refuse to acknowledge the truth yourself.