Holly Riordan

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

The Strongest Humans Are Familiar With Failure

The strongest humans aren’t the ones who have everything come easily to them, who have never gone through a single struggle, who have succeeded on their first attempt and have never had a single doubt about themselves.

5 Signs You’re Growing As A Human

You’ve lost family members and friends because you set new boundaries. These people might feel like you were being unreasonable. They might have accused you of changing because you started to develop standards.

6 Signs He’s A Good Guy, Based On How He Texts You

He texts you at reasonable hours — when he’s sober. He’s not waiting until two in the morning, after having several drinks, to get in touch with you. He’s already thinking about you earlier on in the day.

Thank You For Being A Kind Person

There are so many assholes wandering around this world that it can be hard to remember there are good people too. People who are trying their hardest to do the right thing.