When You Love Someone, Give Them Every Piece Of You


It’s scary to get into a new relationship with a new person because you’re giving them the potential to break your heart. You’re allowing them to hold a certain amount of power over you. Even if your relationship is equal and they treat you as a true teammate, they still have the ability to walk away at any moment and obliterate your feelings. But when you love someone, you need to take that risk. You need to let down your walls and allow them to see the real you. You can’t play pretend because you’re afraid that they will use your secrets against you. If you cannot trust them, then you shouldn’t be in a relationship with them. You shouldn’t waste your time or your energy on chasing them.

But if you can trust them, if you deeply believe that they have your best interest at heart and would never intentionally hurt you, then you need to give yourself permission to act vulnerable. You need to remind yourself that it’s okay to be human, to show emotion, to give someone access to the sides of yourself that you usually keep roped off from everyone else. Yes, it’s intimidating to tell someone the things that you’ve been hiding from the rest of the world for so long, but if this is the right person for you, they will be honored that you trust them enough to speak your mind. They will make you feel comfortable opening up to them about anything you’re willing to tell them – at your own pace.

When you love someone, you need to stop hiding the pieces of yourself that you’re afraid for them to see. They’re going to get to know the real you eventually, so you might as well get it over with now so you can test whether or not you’re truly compatible. After all, you can’t put on an act forever. And the right person wouldn’t want you to lie or hide who you really are in order to impress them. They would want you to be real with them. They would want to know the real, unfiltered you.

When you love someone, you can’t hold back bits and pieces of yourself. You might think that you’re protecting yourself from heartbreak by remaining mysterious, but all you’re really doing is hurting yourself. You’re keeping this person you care about at an arm’s length instead of letting them deep inside your soul. You’re keeping distance between you, which will make it impossible to have a healthy, fulfilling relationship with them. If you really think they could be your forever, then you need to push aside your fears and let them in, once and for all.

Of course, you don’t have to let them in right away. You’re allowed to be cautious, especially after everything you’ve been through in the past. The right person won’t rush you to move faster than you’re comfortable moving, but they will be there to listen whenever you’re ready to speak. They will let you know that they love you for you and nothing you say could change their mind. When you love someone, you give them every little piece of you because they are worthy of seeing every side.