Yes, You Are Lovable
You’re lovable, even if you’ve never been in a long-term relationship. Even if you usually text back and forth with someone for a few weeks and then get ghosted. Your body isn’t the only beautiful thing about you, even if people have used you for it in the past. You have a strong mind, a beautiful soul. You are going to find someone who stays, someone who cuddles you in the middle of the night and doesn’t leave even when the morning arrives. You’re going to find someone who sticks, and that person is going to be worth the long wait.
You’re lovable, even if you’ve gotten dumped or betrayed by the one person you thought would stay. Just because one person shattered your heart doesn’t mean everyone else is going to follow in their footsteps. It doesn’t mean you did something wrong, something to deserve the pain you’re struggling through. This person never should have hurt you. You never should have been taught that you’re disposable, or that your feelings don’t matter, because that’s just not true.
You’re lovable, even if you haven’t been in a relationship in a while. Even if you’re going through an excruciatingly long dry spell and can’t find anyone who catches your interest. You don’t want to believe the lie that your greatest romances are in the past. You don’t want to trick yourself into believing that you’re never going to find love again. You’re going to be loved by someone who understands how. You’re going to get back that feeling you’ve been missing. You aren’t going to be alone forever.
You’re lovable, even if you’ve never had your first kiss or your first date. Even if you feel like you’re falling behind, like you’re too inexperienced to get in the dating game now. You can’t blame yourself for walking a longer road than some of your friends. Not everyone gets to fall in love in high school or college or even their late twenties and thirties. Some couples need a little while longer to find each other, but that doesn’t mean your soulmate isn’t out there. They’re searching for you, too.
You’re lovable, even if your heart is heavy with baggage. You’ve been through a lot throughout your lifetime. You’re bound to have some scars and bruises on your heart. There’s nothing wrong with having a history, with going through hell and making it out alive. Eventually, you are going to find someone who is going to love you through your pain. They aren’t going to let your past get in the way of building a future with you. They’re going to love you unconditionally.
You’re lovable, even if you’re convinced no one would ever put up with you. Even if you feel like you’re more of a burden than a blessing. Even if you feel like you don’t deserve to be loved. Even if you can’t imagine anyone developing feelings for you. You’re lovable, even if you can’t see that yourself yet.