You Deserve Someone Who Makes You Feel Safe
Natalia Sobolivska

You Deserve Someone Who Makes You Feel Safe

You don't want to be with someone who demands every second of your time, who expects you to pay attention to them and only them without leaving room for anything else that makes you feel fulfilled.


You deserve someone who makes you feel safe. Someone who makes you feel comfortable. Someone who brings you peace and relaxation instead of stress and tension.

Even though relationships where you’re always fighting might feel exciting, they aren’t good for you. You don’t want to be with someone who gets into a screaming match with you every time you make the tiniest mistake. You want to be with someone who is understanding, who will talk through problems with you in a mature, respectful way. You want someone who isn’t going to hold your mistakes against you because they aren’t perfect, either, and they wouldn’t want you to feel worse than you already do.

You deserve someone who gives you the freedom to be yourself. Someone who encourages you to pursue your passions and follow your dreams, even if it means they might have to spend a little less time with you than usual while you’re working. You don’t want to be with someone who demands every second of your time, who expects you to pay attention to them and only them without leaving room for anything else that makes you feel fulfilled. You want someone who gives you space to explore, space to dream.

You deserve someone who loves you exactly as you are. You shouldn’t be with someone who consistently points out the areas where you need improvements, who pushes you to change even when you’re happy with your current self. You should be with someone who accepts you, who loves the real you, but who will be there for you while you try to become the best version of yourself. But only if that’s what you want. They won’t push you to change, but they will support you in whatever ways you want to change.

You deserve someone who makes you feel safe. Someone who can calm you down when you’re spiraling. Someone who can successfully convince you everything is going to be okay, even when it feels like your world is falling apart. You don’t want to be with someone who makes your hard days worse. You want someone who takes some of the weight off your shoulders, someone who acts as your teammate and stands beside you so you can face your problems together.

You deserve someone who brings a sense of stability to your world, someone who makes you feel grounded and loved. You shouldn’t be with someone who you’re worried will leave out of the blue, someone who brings out your worst abandonment issues. You shouldn’t be questioning whether your partner has bad intentions and you shouldn’t be wishing they would treat you like more of a priority. You should be with someone who puts you first, who reassures you they aren’t going anywhere, who makes you believe this love is actually going to last.

You deserve someone who makes your heart feel full. Someone who makes you excited about what the future has in store. Someone who gives you as much as you give them without needing to be asked. Thought Catalog Logo Mark