He’s Not Your Forever Person Unless He Keeps These 7 Promises
He shouldn't leave as soon as things get tough. He shouldn't get scared off by imperfect moments.
1. When he promises not to lie to you, he should follow through on it. He shouldn’t tell you little white lies about mistakes he’s made in order to get himself out of trouble. He shouldn’t twist the truth about what happened during his day to avoid conflict. He should be honest with you, even when you aren’t going to like what he has to say, even when it starts an argument, even if it means you are going to be unhappy with him for a little while.
2. When he promises not to betray you, he should follow through on it. He should never cheat on you. He should never cross such an unforgivable line — and he shouldn’t come close to that line, either. He shouldn’t test how far he can get without getting in trouble. He shouldn’t try to flirt with other people, get close to other people, pursue other people. He should be happy with only you. He should honor the commitment he made to you.
3. When he promises not to neglect you, he should follow through on it. He should treat you like a priority. He shouldn’t ignore you. He shouldn’t disrespect you. He shouldn’t make you feel like you are less important than the other people in his life. He should give you the attention and affection you crave. He should be there for you since you’re always there for him.
4. When he promises not to abandon you, he should follow through on it. He shouldn’t leave as soon as things get tough. He shouldn’t get scared off by imperfect moments. He should stick with you through it all. If the relationship isn’t working out, it’s better to quit than to keep fighting for something that isn’t working, but until you reach that point he should be acting as your support. He shouldn’t leave you to deal with your problems on your own.
5. When he promises not to disrespect you, he should follow through on it. He shouldn’t sneak around behind your back. He shouldn’t be talking crap about you to his friends. He shouldn’t be calling you names during arguments. He shouldn’t be crossing boundaries, just because he’s in a bad mood. He should be treating you with respect, even when you aren’t happy with each other.
6. When he promises not to hide things from you, he should follow through on it. He shouldn’t omit things from conversations. He shouldn’t avoid answering questions. He shouldn’t keep secrets from you. He shouldn’t pick and choose what you’re allowed to know about him. You should be completely honest with each other. Always.
7. When he promises not to hurt you, he should follow through on it. He should try his best to give you everything you deserve. He shouldn’t let himself slack and see how long you put up with the behavior. He shouldn’t try to trick you into settling for less than you deserve. He should put in plenty of effort, just like you should. You should both be trying your hardest to keep the relationship strong.