10 Inspirational Reminders From ‘This Is Us’ That Have Turned Me Into A Better Person
Spoiler Alert: If you are not caught up on This Is Us, bookmark this article for later!
This Is Us tells the story of a tight-knit family who has been through a lot of trauma. Randall, Kate, and Kevin Pearson are triplets who lost their father at a young age. The story switches between the present and the past, slowly piecing together how they grew into the people they are today.
This Is Us is known for being emotional. There are tearjerker moments in every episode. That is because the storylines hit close to home. They remind us of our own lives, our own struggles, our own families.
Here are a few inspirational reminders you will uncover from watching This Is Us:
1. Enjoy time with your loved ones while you still can.
This Is Us has broken our hearts time and time again. It has taken characters away from us we were not ready to lose — but that is the way life works. You never know how much longer you have with someone you love.
That is why you should never take your relatives, your best friends, or your significant others for granted. Make sure you appreciate them while they are still here. Make sure you remind them how much you care about them every chance you get.
2. When you love someone, you can get through anything together.
Jack and Rebecca got through his alcoholism. Kate and Toby got through his depression. Randall and Beth got through career changes. It was not always easy. There were moments when their relationships suffered. However, in the end, they always came out stronger as a couple than they were before.
That is because each of these couples chose to stay together. They chose to work through their problems. They chose to put in the effort.
3. Even the most ‘put together’ people suffer from anxiety.
Randall Pearson looks like he has the perfect life. He has a supportive wife, beautiful children, an expensive house, charisma, humor, good looks. At a glance, no one would realize he suffers from anxiety.
He is a reminder anyone can experience mental health issues. Your anxiety is nothing to be embarrassed about because more people are suffering than you realize. The people you are jealous of — the ones who look like they have it all — might be going through as much pain as you. You can never tell. You are never as alone as you feel.
4. Your wounds are not going to heal overnight.
It doesn’t matter how long ago Jack has passed. Kate, Randall, Kevin, and Rebecca are still mourning his loss. They still have baggage from childhood. They prove healing does not happen overnight. It might not even happen in a year — or ten years.
If you have gone through a traumatic experience, do not let anyone shame you about how you should be over it by now. You cannot rush along the healing process. It takes time. It could take a lifetime. And that is okay.
5. There is someone out there who won’t give a damn about your flaws.
Kate has struggled with her weight all her life. She has joined support groups. She has joined weight loss camps. However, her husband Toby has never cared about her weight. He loves her. He thinks she is perfect.
Toby does not support her weight loss journey because he wants her to look any different. He supports her because he knows working on her health is important to her — and what is important to her is important to him. That is the way love should be. Encouraging. Supportive.
6. You are allowed to express your vulnerability.
So many people shy away from expressing themselves. However, on This Is Us, characters are always delving into deep monologues about their emotions. They are open. They are expressive. They admit how they are feeling.
Never shy away from speaking from your heart. You will not gain anything from keeping your emotions inside. Communication is the cornerstone of healthy relationships. Not only will your honesty bring you closer to your loved ones, but it will bring you peace of mind.
7. You can live without the person you once considered your forever.
Maybe you screwed things up with your high school sweetheart or maybe your person was ripped from this earth too early. No matter what the situation was, no matter how your heart got broken, you can move on.
You might be going through hell now, but you can get through this. You are still going to miss this person from time to time, but you can live without them. You can find happiness again. You can even find love again.
8. When you want something, you should chase after it.
Leave your comfort zone. Take risks. Switch careers. Move across the country. Follow your dreams.
When you see something you want, do not sit around and mope about how you wish you had it. Go chase it. Jack chased Rebecca. Randall chased down his father. Kevin chased his dreams of becoming an actor. They each let passion guide them.
Follow their lead. The next time you discover something you are excited about, something you do not want to live without, fight for it.
9. Getting help for your problems does not make you weak.
It actually makes you strong.
There is an entire episode about Kevin in therapy. Even though it caused temporary drama between his family, in the end, the conversation was healthy for him. Kevin’s entire stay at rehab was healthy for him. He has not picked up a drink since going there. He was responsible enough to seek help for his problems and it has helped him change for the better.
10. There are more important things in this world than falling in love.
This Is Us is filled with romantic moments. The story of Jack meeting Rebecca is more adorable than any romcom. It shows how pure and poetic love can be.
However, the show also gives constant reminders you do not need romantic love in order to survive — because there are a dozen different types of love. Your family loves you. Your friends love you. Your pets love you. Most importantly, you can love yourself.
Even if you are single, do not be mistaken. You are still surrounded by so much love.