12 Signs You Almost Missed That He’s Interested In Being More Than Just A Friend

A boy who has feelings for his friend
Unsplash / Sharon McCutcheon

1. He looks for you inside of crowded rooms. When you hang out in a group, he always migrates toward you. Directs his comments toward you. Faces his torso toward you. It doesn’t matter how many people are around, because you two always manage to find your way to each other.

2. He touches you in a flirtatious way, not a friendly way. He finds any excuse he can to touch you — and not just for high fives and fist bumps. Whenever he hugs you, he lingers for a little too long. Whenever he sits next to you, he lets your arms or thighs brush, even when he has more than enough room to spread himself out. Whenever he has the choice, he inches into your personal space.

3. He talks shit about your boyfriends. Whenever you talk about a celebrity you find attractive, he makes fun of the guy. Whenever you talk about someone you’re crushing on, he lets you know you can do better. He gets defensive whenever you mention another attractive man, because he considers them his competition.

4. He remembers stupid, little things about you. He knows which brand of beer makes you gag. What shows are currently on your Netflix queue. When you have to wake up for work in the morning. He knows the tiny things that slip your other friends’ minds, because he pays close attention to every word you say.

5. He turns the conversation sexual — but only with you. He only makes dirty jokes with you. He only gives detailed compliments to you. He is clearly attracted to you.

6. He seems extra nervous around you lately. He fidgets. He plays with his hair. He shifts in his seat. His body language is giving his feelings away.

7. He has a tendency to stare. You’ve caught him checking out your ass before. And when he’s not watching you walk away, he’s looking between your eyes and your lips. He’s holding himself back from kissing you, because that’s all he’s been thinking about.

8. He never uses ‘best friend’ terms with you. He never calls you buddy or pal. He never mentions how you’re just like a sister to him either, because he doesn’t want you to see him that way. He wants to be more than just your friend.

9. He looks like fire whenever you’re around. When he knows he’s going to see you, he puts extra energy into his appearance. He wants to impress you. He wants to raise the sexual tension to its highest possible point.

10. He banters back and forth with you. He makes fun of your clothes. Of your music taste. Of your career. Of everything. But in the most innocent way possible. It’s never insulting. It’s playful teasing. It’s flirting.

11. He prefers hanging out with you one-on-one. He would rather invite you over to watch Netflix in his room than hang out in a big group. He doesn’t want other people in his way, stealing your attention. He wants you all to himself.

12. He never mentions any other girls. Even though you talk about your love life all the time, he never mentions a girl he’s interested in, because he’s interested in youThought Catalog Logo Mark

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