This Is What Girls Mean When They Say They Can’t Find A Good Guy

Unsplash / Dimitar Belchev

When girls say they can’t find a good guy, they mean that everyone they’ve ever had feelings for has turned out to disappoint them. They mean that no matter how many times they open up their heart to love, they end up getting punished for it with unanswered texts and shattered hopes.

When girls say they can’t find a good guy, they mean they’ve already dated a few boys they once thought were smart and sweet and sexy — but they turned out to be liars, cheaters, assholes. They mean that they’ve been tricked before, so they can’t always trust that someone is who they say they are.

When girls say they can’t find a good guy, they mean that they have friends with relationships that make them a little bit jealous. They mean that they know girls with boyfriends who actually answer their texts and show up on time and act like decent human beings, so good guys must be out there.

When girls say they can’t find a good guy, they mean that they’re tired of searching for someone who is going to treat them different than all of their exes. They’re sick of raising their expectations and having them come crashing down again.

When girls say they can’t find a good guy, they mean that it’s hard to tell the difference between someone who deserves their time and someone who is only going to waste it. They mean that fuckboys are such skilled liars that it’s difficult to weed them out from the genuinly good, honest guys.

When girls say they can’t find a good guy, they mean that they have horrible taste. They mean that they keep falling for the wrong people over and over again. They mean that they wish they had a better judge of character so they could find the person they truly deserved.

When girls say they can’t find a good guy, they mean that they feel like they’re going to be alone forever. They mean that they’re worried that there isn’t anyone out there that fits them in the right ways. They mean that they think that their single days are going to last a lifetime.

When girls say they can’t find a good guy, they don’t mean that all of the people that they’ve turned down in the past are horrible people. They just mean that those guys weren’t right for them. They didn’t cause their hearts to flutter or their knees to shake. They couldn’t imagine a future with them.

When girls say they can’t find a good guy, they aren’t saying that there aren’t any good guys left. They’re just saying that it’s hard as fuck to find them. They’re saying that their terrified they’ll pick the wrong person instead of realizing that the right one was in front of them all along. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Holly Riordan is the author of
Severe(d), A Creepy Poetry Collection.
Pre-order your copy here.

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