25 People Reveal Their Town’s Terrifying Past (That Everyone Keeps Quiet About)

24. Lawyers convinced clients to fake injuries

“Friend of mine was in a car accident. Wasn’t injured. Lawyer convinces him to get put under for surgery to fake fixing an injury. They put him under, cut a hole in his arm and just stitched him up to make it look like he had surgery. Then the lawyer told him to get fired from his job by not attending. This fake injury and with the story of not being able to go to work anymore because of said fake injury and getting fired was great for his lawsuit the lawyer planned. Friend received six figure settlement. His lawyer is the city prosecutor.” — notthatbigbrother

25. Our town contained human traffickers

“There was a brothel here run by human traffickers. This is a tiny rural town in Ohio. The police watched it for months before doing a sting and rescuing the girls, who were all South Korean and were reported missing in their home country years ago. Only one of them spoke any English.” — spiderlanewales Thought Catalog Logo Mark 

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