25 People Reveal Their Town’s Terrifying Past (That Everyone Keeps Quiet About)

16. The mayor might be killing people

“That anybody who investigates the mayor or town councils ties to a major corruption case with our city fiber optic utility turns up dead. Nine so far.” — Shark_Porn

17. An internment camp used to be located here

“Not a secret exactly, but something we don’t like to talk about. Our racetrack, one of the big landmarks in the city (and the venue my high school uses for AP testing, graduation, and grad night) was a Japanese-American internment camp during WWII. We do mention it a little in history class and there’s a plaque inside the racetrack but other than that we kind of pretend it didn’t happen.

Also on a slightly less interesting note, my town’s real estate prices are RIDICULOUSLY inflated because it’s a ‘good school district’ but the schools aren’t actually that great anymore.” — oishster

18. A teenager’s corpse was chopped apart

“A teenage girl was found chopped up in a suit case in one of these apartments above the restaurant I’m working at.” — fromCovington

19. The homeless were sold as slaves

“Where I’m from (in Canada), long ago authorities would round up homeless people and auction them off as slaves.” — [deleted]

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