25 People Reveal Their Town’s Terrifying Past (That Everyone Keeps Quiet About)

12. A family friend beat a rapist to death

“A friend of my family found out a guy was raping his kid. He found video of it. It was around christmas time and he beat the guy to death with a cut down wooden bat in the middle of down town in front of hundreds. I was witness to the event, the rapist he was the one with the bat and he attacked the father and then the father took the bat and defended himself lawfully. Police officer testified the same thing, but that he couldn’t get to them fast enough to stop it. We all saw what happened. I forget but I think it was jesus who said it, ‘Don’t fuck with kids or you’ll get your brains bashed in with a piece of wood.'” — Josh_Thompson

13. A mass murderer had his ashes scattered across our beach

“Fred West (mass murderer) had his ashes scattered on Barry Island beach.” — badgermonkey007

14. The police shot down innocent citizens

“Our mayor ordered an air strike on a inner city block, ordered the fire department to let the fire burn, and police to shoot anyone that tried to escape.” — PopeJohnsonAgain

15. Scientology took over our town

“Little town in Michigan.

Scientology is slowly buying up all our old and empty buildings. They don’t do it under the name of Scientology, mind you.

They’re too smart for that. Instead they do it and open a ton of rehab facilities. If you’re in a rehab program in the Midwest, chances are you go here.

If you go here, you’re doing Scientology rehab. Guess where that goes?

Sinister, if you ask me. The town doesn’t know or doesn’t care – all these old Detroit looking husks are brightening up so no one cares.” — nbh2992

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