20 Period Sex Tips For That Time Of The Month

iStockphotos, gbrundin
iStockphotos, gbrundin

1. Don’t make her feel shitty about her body. How many times has she gotten your semen in her hair? She didn’t complain about that, so you shouldn’t complain about a little blood.

2. Make her feel sexy. Even though women are usually hornier on their periods, they’re usually more self-conscious, too. So shower her with compliments to make her feel less bloated.

3. You don’t have to go down on her, but you can come close. Instead of leaving kisses across her pussy lips, leave kisses across her thighs.

4. If you don’t want to get your hands dirty, then grab one of her vibrators and use it against her clit. Or stick a dildo inside of her instead of your dick. Hey, it’s better than nothing.

5. If she’s uncomfortable removing her clothing during her period, then you can just rub her clitoris through those clothes. It might take her a little longer to get off that way, but it’s still possible.

6. Get into the missionary position, so she doesn’t have to climb on top of you. After all, she’s dealing with cramps and headaches and backaches. Doing all the work is the least you can do.

7. You can also try getting into the spooning position and thrusting while you’re side-to-side. It’ll create a strong sense of intimacy.

8. Enjoy yourself. Don’t stare down at her crotch every five seconds to see if blood is getting all over. Stare into her eyes instead.

9. If she’s interested in anal, go for it. Of course, you might end up dealing with a totally different type of mess.

10. Have sex in the shower, so all that gunk washes right down the drain.

11. Or have sex in the bathtub. Let her soak in it for a few minutes to soothe her cramps, and then jump inside to join her.

12. If you’d rather stick to having sex in a bed, then all you have to do is put down a large, dark beach towel. As long as she remains on top of it, you won’t have to worry about washing stains out of your sheets.

13. Wear a condom. Even if you rely on her birth control pills to keep her from getting pregnant, a condom will make for easy clean up.

14. Remember how important it is to give her an orgasm. It can reduce her cramps, get rid of her headaches, and even cause her period to end earlier than usual.

15. Don’t forget to ask her if she likes what you’re doing. Women are most sensitive during their periods, so she might end up hating a move that she normally loves.

16. Even if she doesn’t want to be touched below the belt, you can still turn her on in other ways. Play with her nipples and nibble on her earlobes.

17. Don’t expect her to go down on you if you refuse to have sex with her. It’s not fair for you to ask for an orgasm when you’re not willing to give her one in return.

18. If she gets blood on one of your pillows, don’t freak out. It’s not her fault. It’s natural, so don’t overreact and embarrass her.

19. Make sure she’s up for period sex, too, before you try to initiate something during that time of the month. Even if you’re comfortable with the idea, she might not be.

20. If you two agree that you aren’t interested in trying out period sex, then at least eat her out once her period week is over. She deserves it. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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