29 Disturbingly Dark Episodes Of Kid’s Shows You Won’t Believe Actually Aired

13. There was an episode about human trafficking for organs

Is anybody going to mention all the allegories in “Courage, the cowardly dog?” Like the episode with the “Gerbil’s World” (which was about human trafficking for organs). It haunts me to this day.

14. A cookie tried to kill himself

That episode of adventure time where this cookie just wants to be a princess, and when people tell him he’ll never actually be a princess, he tries to kill himself. Jake visits him in the mental hospital and gives him a crown made of flowers.

15. Aang learned about genocide

Avatar, The Last Airbender. The episode when Aang learns about the genocide of the air nomads and finds the remains of his teacher/guardian monk Gyatso. Really messed up for a kids show when you think about it

16. Alf was captured by the government

The last episode of Alf. Alf ended with him captured by the government. It was supposed to be a two-part episode, but it got cancelled before they could do the second half. So instead of a big rescue and happy ending, it was just, “Oh, Alf is off being tortured by government scientists. Because fuck you, kids.”

17. A kid removed his helmet in space

There was an episode of The Magic School Bus where they explore the solar system. On Pluto one of the kids gets pissed off at his cousin or something and removes his own helmet. His head instantly freezes.

Later it turns out he’s fine and just ended up with a cold, but he basically attempted suicide.

18. The show discussed child molestation

There is an old show that was on Disney when I was a kid called Smart Guy. It was a comedy but there was an episode that dealt with child molestation. The guy was showing the kids some video game and was trying to get them undressed by showing them pictures of other kids undressed. Like in their underwear.

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