18 Fucked Up Babysitting Stories That’ll Make You Think Twice Before Having Kids

9. I found the kid’s headless pet gerbil

When I was around 16, I babysat for a family friend while they went to a dinner party. 4 boys, ages 12 to 6 or so. The family were dogsitting a huge Rottweiler, and the youngest boy had a pet gerbil.

An hour or so goes by and I’ve exhausted most of my ideas to keep the boys entertained, so I take them out front to play home run derby. After a few rounds, the oldest hits the ball over the house and into their backyard, so I send him to get it. Minutes pass and he doesn’t return. So I send the second oldest to check on him.

After a few minutes he doesn’t return either. I start to worry, so I take the two youngest with me into the house. As soon as I open the door, I hear screaming and start to freak. I run to the kitchen to find both boys in hysterics, crying on the phone. They’re so worked up I can’t understand what they’re saying. That’s when I notice the screen door to the back yard had been torn open. I walk toward the backyard and that’s when I see it, their headless pet gerbil hanging out of the Rottweilers mouth.

10. The child broke down the bathroom door

When I was young I babysat a few local kids. It was easy way to get cash and I was one of the oldest in the neighborhood. One of the kids had some kind of severe attachment issues. Once when I was using the bathroom he broke the door slamming into it. He wanted to be in the same room I was, no matter what. His mother said that wasn’t the first time that has happened. It was the last time for me though, never babysat that kid again.

11. I saw a figure standing over the crib

I babysit my cousin two kids pretty much every other Friday night so he and his wife can have some time alone and out of the house. Their kids are 2 and 6 months so they have video monitors in each of their rooms and I pretty much watch the monitors and read or watch tv. Roughly a month ago I heard talking coming out of one of the monitors. It was a man’s voice and he kept saying over and over again “its ok, go back to sleep, I’m here” and I could see a figure standing over the crib in the 6 month old’s room. I freaked out thinking someone has broken it (they had a break in around Christmas time and the guy was never caught). I called the police and my cousin and crept upstairs with a knife to protect myself and the babies. No one was upstairs and both kids were sound asleep. Needless to say I was thoroughly freaked out until the police and my cousin came out. it didn’t help that they lived in a older home and everything creaked.

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