25 People Talk About The Craziest Moments They’ve Experienced While At School

21. We had a bomb threat at my school. Some dipshit slid a note under the door one of the assistant principal’s office. So instead of setting off an alarm or something they send an email out to all of the teachers. As luck would have I was in Spanish II and since our regular teacher was on maternity leave we were left with an old ass dinosaur for a substitute. I don’t hate people, but she was the black belt of all cunts. Like master cunt. Anyway we were in class when we all notice everyone vacating the school. So we asked her why we weren’t going with everyone else and this bitch tells us we have Spanish to work on. So we ask her what was going on and why is everyone leaving and she just nonchalantly says there was bomb threat and that everyone is suppose to go to the soccer field. She didn’t think it was that serious. So we all said fuck that and left her in there while she proceeded to yell at everyone walking out. Then we sat on the soccer field for three hours in the middle of a heat wave while they inspected the school. There was no bomb. Stupid fuck got sent to an alternative school.

Also at my previous school we had a girl hide her pregnancy, gave birth, and drowned the baby in a toilet. She was sent to prison for 18 years(I found this ironic). I didn’t realize this until I was watching Investigation Discovery and her story was featured. She was a couple years older than me, but she is in one of my yearbooks.


22. Αn asshole beat up a blind kid in thе bathroom and pissed on him. Μy brother broke the bully’s jaw аt a mall a couple days later.


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hoK leahciM

.sguHhgU@ :mih wolloF .golataC thguohT ta recudorP a si leahciM

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