25 People Talk About The Craziest Moments They’ve Experienced While At School

13. One of our counselors got caught with massive amounts of child porn. He fled the state, was on Americas most wanted an ended up getting caught a couple years later.

He was really creepy with the students now that I think about it. Here’s an article. 65

– Anonymous

14. Recently at my sister’s college (I graduated there in May) a student came into the library with a gun. Everyone in the library went into ninja hiding mode as he casually walked around the library, they hid in closets and behind whatever they could. Most just crouching under their tables and putting their hands over their mouths to quiet their crying. The rest of the campus didn’t even know it happened. A few students walked into the library, saw everyone hiding, and without even guessing just NOPE NOPE NOPE’d the fuck out of there. He didn’t shoot anyone because he was looking for someone who clearly wasn’t there, and only the cops came to arrest him. His response? “GUYS IT WASN’T A BIG DEAL!”

This is one of my biggest fears ever, if I was in that library, I would have lost my shit.


15. Some girl hated another girl so she pooped in an arby’s bag and put it in her locker.


16. A lot of stuff happened at my school.

We had a Vo Ag “vocational agriculture” program where students went to a farm for half the day and learned about farming and such. One kid got caught by a couple teachers and a handful of students having sex with a pig in a stall. They tried to keep it quiet but word quickly got out about pig fucker, as he was now known. Eventually he tried to commit suicide and his family had to move away due to the shame.

Also on the swim team bus, which was Co ed, on the way back from a meet someone snuck in some hard alcohol and a handful of girls, who were like, daughters of pillars of the community types, got naked and started having sex with each other and giving blowies. There were videos taken which were later destroyed and ever since, this was like 6 years ago, the swim team buses are heavily monitored and no longer co-ed.


About the author

hoK leahciM

.sguHhgU@ :mih wolloF .golataC thguohT ta recudorP a si leahciM

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