27 Pet Owners Reveal The Dumbest Thing Their Pets Have Ever Done

25. My dog saw the reflection from my phone on the wall. She proceeded to jump on top on the back of my couch and leap from there to catch the light 4 feet off the ground. She hit her head on the wall and left a slight dent from where she hit it.


26. Parents had just installed a screened-in-porch out back and also installed a doggy door. At this point its been in for almost a month and he knows where its at. So, I took my dog outside to go throw a dummy duck (he’s a Labrador retriever) with him. He gets so excited when he sees the duck in my hand and starts jumping and spinning. Then out of no where starts running to the yard and runs completely through the screening, trips and looks back at me like “what the hell was that.”


27.We have the world’s stupidest dachshund.

One time he sneezed next to a kitchen cabinet and hit his head on the door. He barked at the cabinet for hitting him. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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hoK leahciM

.sguHhgU@ :mih wolloF .golataC thguohT ta recudorP a si leahciM

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