18 People Explain How You Can Make Friends As Adult

7. Take a course. Cooking classes, Spanish, AutoCAD, … Doesn’t matter what. It’s not strange to come alone and you’ll naturally start talking to people.


8. I have made a lot of friends through other friends. So try making one or two friends through work, or join a city sports league. You can also try taking fun classes through your local community college. Like mine offers a BBQ class, sewing, dancing, etc.

– Anonymous

9. Don’t discriminate age. I’m 28 years old and my friends range from 19 to 70 years old. They all contribute to my life in some way and I respect/care about them all. Even the ones where there is basically a VH1 special between our ages, teach me things and keep me grounded from becoming an angry old man.

Basically talk to anyone who is willing to talk to you. Be sure to listen as well. Friends will happen after that.


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hoK leahciM

.sguHhgU@ :mih wolloF .golataC thguohT ta recudorP a si leahciM

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