21 People Tell Us What They’d Buy If They Won $10 Million

20. I’d probably buy myself a chocolate. Then I’d go back home and sit down while it’s sinking in that I just won that much money. Then I’d go to the store and celebrate by going to the store and buying myself another chocolate.

Then, when I’ve run around celebrating and thinking about how to invest the money as wisely, I’d probably start to get hungry again. At this point, I’d go buy myself a frozen pizza.


21. I wouldn’t buy a damn thing. $10mm after taxes is $6mm, and $6mm will generate a comfortable amount of investment income indefinitely.

If I did something stupid like drop a couple million on things I think I can could afford now that I was sitting on $6m, odds are a whole lot higher than I’ll not be able to make it last long-term. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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hoK leahciM

.sguHhgU@ :mih wolloF .golataC thguohT ta recudorP a si leahciM

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