21 People Reveal What They Totally Hate Seeing Other People Do In Restaurants

13. At fucking Panera, when some douchebag with a laptop orders a coffee and proceeds to sit in the giant corner booth with a bunch of chairs around it and splays out all his shit and just surfs the fucking internet during the lunch rush while people with trays of actual food walk around desperately searching for a seat to eat their meal and leave. What the fuck are you doing, really? It’s just the rudest fucking thing ever. Why did you have to take up 8 fucking spaces just to sit there looking like a fucking vacant muppet with your SUPER COOL ALIENWARE LAPTOP. I wanna throw my bread bowl on you for being an inconsiderate twat.


14. I hate it when people stare at me while i’m eating in a restaurant.


15. Chewing like an old cow with their mouth open. Just fucking gross.


16. Snap at the wait staff. Ugh. Just give them the look.

Blame the server for a kitchen mistake. Mistakes happen. If you’re nice about it, they’ll probably buy you something.

Eat their entire meal, then tell them that they didn’t like it. Give them a chance to fix it.

Be ready to order. (Guilty of this, I feel bad every time)

Camp while there is a wait.


About the author

hoK leahciM

.sguHhgU@ :mih wolloF .golataC thguohT ta recudorP a si leahciM

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