21 People Reveal What They Totally Hate Seeing Other People Do In Restaurants

11. If it’s a small-ish restaurant like the last couple I’ve worked in, it drives me insane when people aren’t cognizant of the space they take up. It’s usually guys and they sprawl out and have their chairs as far away from their table as possible while barely being able to reach their food and I have to constantly whack them with my butt and people can’t get around them when I’m seating them. I mean I want you to be comfortable but I can’t imagine that it’s comfortable to constantly get asked to move or be bumped into.


12. I work at a restaurant as a server/host so my examples might be a bit specific, but in no particular order:

Getting angry when there is a wait on an obviously busy day, and demanding to know exactly when a table will be ready. We can guess, sure, but I don’t know if someone will get up right away or if they’ll sit a while and talk.

We have a policy of people seating themselves when the restaurant isn’t full. Of course this means they mostly sit at dirty tables and yell at us for the table being dirty when there is a perfectly clean table a few feet away.

“Oh, are you closed?” “Yes, that’s why we’ve been turning the lights off, mopping, shutting the blinds and no one has come in for forty-five minutes.”

We are not making the food. It is not our fault that it hasn’t come out yet. I put it in immediately after you ordered.

I once had a table where a woman’s child knocked a glass on the floor and shattered it, and as I was picking up the shards she was yelling at me because I should’ve known the child would get up and reach across the length of the table to the other side and knock the glass off and that our tables were too small and that the OJ didn’t taste right either, by the way. All this while I’m on my hands and knees picking up YOUR fucking kid’s trash. tl;dr Blaming me for your kid being a screaming maniac = fuck you.

I mean, it’s a lot of little things, so I guess the thing that I hate people doing is just not paying attention to their surroundings or getting pissed at something that is totally out of our control.


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hoK leahciM

.sguHhgU@ :mih wolloF .golataC thguohT ta recudorP a si leahciM

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