18 People Answer The Question, ‘What Is The Most Unfair Advantage A Person Can Have?’

18. Genevieve Gonnigan

Charm. It is an innate quality that immediately disarms people and influences another person’s behavior to lean in your favor. A Charming person will have the advantage in almost every situation.

A person with Charm will look you in the eye and make you feel like you’ve made a new best friend and give a flash of a smile that makes your heart melt and your stomach flutter. They will make you instantly Believe whatever it is that they are saying. They will make you Want to help them and say “Yes” even if they didn’t ask.

Charming people make the sales, have the friends, get the girl, are on the list, get the hook ups, upgrades, and comps and will always have a huge network of people who are more than happy to help them move along in life.

Charm transcends race, language, smarts, looks, every barrier and truly charming people are just born with it. They’ve always had that certain star quality.

Some people try to fake it and “turn on the charm” but it just never reaches the eyes – gotta have the sparkle and *ding*. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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