18 People Answer The Question, ‘What Is The Most Unfair Advantage A Person Can Have?’

7. Sanjay Nandan Ias

Remaining slim even after eating a lot for every meal. There are people admittedly rare, who can hog and eat no matter what and how much. Yet they remain thin as a reed. This has a relation with their genetic digestion system. Their body becomes extremely inefficient in digesting the food. Their body takes only the bare minimum and passes down the rest. These lucky slim types feel it is due to high metabolism but that is only true partially. High metabolism alone cannot burn 4000 to 5000 calories that these people ingest every day.

This gives them a very unfair advantage. While others have to keep a constant look out on what and how much they eat. Others also have to exercise to avoid putting on flab.

These lucky ones can have their cake (slim body) and eat too (as much as they wish to). This can also be called dono hatho mein ladoo. Having fun both ways.

8. Barry Hampe

A photographic memory.

9. Ratnakar Sadasyula

Being born in a family that is rich and powerful, especially in India.

You may be an utter loser, with no discernible talent, aptitude, skills, but as long as you have the right surname, and the right connections, it does not matter.

So if you happen to be the kid of a well known star/director in movie industry, you can deliver umpteen flops in a row, but people will still believe in your “potential”. Nothing wrong in that, except that such a leniency is not there for a newcomer with no contacts.

And in politics, as long as you have a famous surname, you are automatically assumed to be a great leader, never mind the fact that on your own, you could not even win a ward or mohalla election.

Being born into a well connected family means, doors get open for you automatically, you don’t need to bother about such cumbersome things like rules and regulations, nor about following the law.

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hoK leahciM

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