This Is What It Really Means When I Say ‘I Love You’

smiling man and woman
Pablo Merchán Montes / Unsplash

When I tell you I love you, it’s not only when you tell me you also do. It’s not only when you make me laugh so hard that I forget about the bad stuff. It’s not only when you listen to my endless rants even though you do not understand some of it when it’s about my work. It’s not only when you try to understand the complexity of my mind, and it’s not only when you make me feel light and enough during the days I highly doubt myself.

When I tell you I love you, it’s not only when you run your fingers through my hair or rub my back when you’re trying to calm me down. It’s not only when you pay attention to the little things I say and remind me about them when I least expect it.

When I tell you I love you, it’s not only when you have so much patience to spare for my mood swings. It’s not only when you try to resist yourself from fighting back when I’ve been testing you the entire day. It’s not only when you hold me tight during the days that I push you away. It’s not only when you hear my soundless cry and know that I’m hurting deep inside even if I try to hide.

When I tell you I love you, it’s not only during the days when we can feel it. It’s not only when we are happy. I love you all the more when the road gets rough and the sky is falling apart. Our bad days taught me how strong you make me and how you turn me into a whole different person when it comes to dealing with arguments – you make me face difficult situations instead of walking away. You make me choose to choose us, instead of breaking us apart.

When I tell you I love you, it means I understand that we will get tired sometimes, but we will always find our way back to each other’s arms. When I tell you I love you, it means I do, with every piece of me, with everything that I do, and with all that I am. TC mark

About the author

Hermes Joy Tunac

A writer based in Manila, Philippines.

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