To The One Who Deserves The Love I’m Willing To Give

You show and give me strength each day we are together as if you do not get tired of me. It is a little bit ironic how it is just today that I truly saw how strong you are as a person.
You cried in front of me and my knees were shaking just at the sight of your tears. I hate seeing you cry. I hate seeing you go through something painful because baby, you are such a wonderful person I can’t understand why your own parents can’t see it especially now that you’re changing so much for the better.

I’m not going to rub it in because I know you’ve been dealing with them your whole life but let me just tell you that I’m here, ready to fill in whatever gaps they put in your heart. I’m here ready to catch your hidden tears. I’m here ready to hold it altogether for you when you are breaking apart. I’m here ready to appreciate every inch of effort you put in and outside school just to make sure you get to have a bright future. I’m here to hurt you (not intentionally) just so to remind you how you need to feel. I’m here to get mad at you every time you’re lazy to do your responsibility. But most importantly, I’m here to give you the love that your own parents lack to show.

The world might be trembling at your feet right now but, you are amazing and you deserve to be held tightly, hugged deeply, kissed passionately and loved dearly. Don’t’ worry, I will do it all for you. I’m sorry I came into your life a bit late, but not late enough to say that I’m so blessed to be the first girl to have ever heard the word “I love you” right straight from your mouth. Oh dear Lord, how did I ever get so fortunate? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Hermes Joy Tunac

A writer based in Manila, Philippines.

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