Henrietta Jamal

Articles by
Henrietta Jamal

7 Ways To Stop Being The Invisible Girl

When you see people as a part of the story you’re writing, instead of a narrating voice in your story, it becomes easier to get over the wrongs or shortcomings of others.

6 Ways To Tell Yourself Everything Will Be Okay

1. This is one day out of the approximately 28, 470 days that you (the average person) will be alive. If this one is a casualty to bad circumstance, know that probability is on your side that you will have another good day.

4 Profound Political Insights Brought To You By Spongebob Squarepants

Stephen Hillenburg was a pioneer and a genius at using subtle clues to entertain adults while their kids watched Spongebob Squarepants. Here are some of the political insights that I have unearthed during my search for the truth, as told by Mr. Hillenburg and our favorite optimistic dish scrubber: