To The One Loving This Alpha Female

silhouette photo of woman and man close to each other
Sharon McCutcheon / Unsplash

To the one loving this Alpha female effortlessly,

Trying to untangle my knots is like telling the ocean to visit quietly.

I appreciate the fact that my independence, drive, and success does not intimidate you, in fact, I am overwhelmed by joy knowing that my investment in self enhances your ambition.

My rock and foundation. The one that I call a best friend who doesn’t find my direct boldness anything more than me understanding my own wants and needs.

You are a constant in my life that truly accepts me fully, showing me affection and care in which I am too afraid to show myself at times.

On my moody days, you greet me with grace, patience, and understanding.

You’ve recognized this resilient wall I’ve built and I respect the fact that you haven’t tried to re-create a blueprint to fit your own personal needs.

Playing superwoman is in my nature, you allow me to be my own here but you are always there to uplift me when I’m my worst critic.

Although it’s hard to admit, thank you for gently reminding me that it’s okay to let go of control.

Thank you for being the example, showing me that it’s okay to hold space for others without trying to find a solution to everything.

I feel a connection deeper than sexual intimacy – the respect for my mind, body, and soul is present.

Thank you for making “date-night” feel like a magic carpet ride away from this harsh, hard-working reality of mine even if it’s for a short while.

You respect my truth. Life with you is exciting and it adds variety that I’m looking forward to.

Thank you for understanding my value placed on equal partnership and support. You remain sure of yourself while focuses on your own independence.

I’m continuously creating a life for myself and I respect the fact that you listen to my dreams and goals as they passionately grow.

To the one loving this Alpha female effortlessly,

You are the feeling of freedom, peace, and vulnerability in one form.

This is a natural high. A natural high in which I don’t want to come down from. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Heather J. Macon

love language: poetry & red wine. a writer & brunch connoisseur

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