13 Ways To Make Your Cum Delicious

1. This may come (lol) as a surprise to many of you, but it turns out that drinking lots of alcohol, smoking a boatload of cigarettes, doing copious amounts of drugs and downing cup after cup of coffee is actually bad for your cum. It makes it bitter and gross, so if you want your sex person to swallow, lay off these things for a week or so. Or like forever.

2. Even as there are things you should definitely not eat, there are also things you can eat. Think fruits, like pineapples, apples, cranberries, lemons, anything that’s natural and from the earth.

3. If you’re thinking someone is going to be tasting your cum anytime in the near future, do them a favor and lay off the fried food ok? If you can’t stand the taste of your own cum, how can you expect me to?


About the author

Heather Hailey

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