Your Love Was Louder Than My Demons

Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

I could still remember the days and nights where I prayed so hard to God for someone like you to come into my life. And make no mistake, even after He gave me you, I still pray that we get to keep each other for the rest of our lives.

You, my love, is that one person I love to talk to God about. How can I not tell Him about you when you’ve filled my life with an abundance of love and happiness that living for you might not actually be enough to compensate all the good that you’ve done for me and for us.

When it comes to you, a million thank yous will never be enough. But when it comes to you, I’ll try.

Thank you for giving me your truth. For not leading me on and for being thoroughly clear with your intentions since day one. Ours was not a love at first sight or the other typical ones. Ours was unexpected, difficult, raw, and simply human.

Thank you for always offering to carry my bag whenever you fetch me from work not because you want to show off but because you know how exhausted I am. I used to be that kind of girl who stubbornly refuses to get her bag carried by a man, but with you, it’s just so sincere that sometimes, I can’t say no.

Thank you for always making time for me no matter how hectic our schedules can be — for showing me that love is also spelled as time.

Thank you for always making sure that I’m okay and for making me feel better when I’m not. You holding my hand while I’m sick and asleep always helps a lot.

Thank you for calling me out when I’m wrong and for being open to criticisms. Oftentimes, I know I can be overbearing and annoying but you didn’t love me any less. You are the love that is patient and kind.

Thank you for the reassuring forehead kisses, for giving me the love that I thought only exists in movies.

Above all, thank you for praying for my insecurities and for helping me overcome them. The trust, security, love, and support that you’ve been patiently and wholeheartedly giving me have helped me calm the demons that have been long haunting me.

The list is endless and I could go on thanking you for the small things and big things, but each day the list keeps adding up which I don’t mind. Darling, I am thankful to you for the rest of our lives.

Your pure and tranquil love roars louder than my demons. And for that, I am continually and eternally grateful. TC mark

About the author

Hazel Ann Duero Odtohan

Her sins were scarlet but her books were read.

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