100 Little Things I’m Grateful For Today

Seth Doyle

1. Noise canceling headphones on a plane

2. That he’s happy and okay

3. Having so many family members close by

4. When you have the time to walk the whole way

5. An overdue one-on-one catch up

6. Hot showers on FRIGID days

7. Actually hot showers on all days

8. Zoodle machine

9. That she called me out and the fact that I’m choosing to grow from it by making a conscious shift instead of being extra hard on myself

10. That they never make me feel like a third wheel

11. Swift follow up

12. That her surgery went well

13. FaceTime

14. The East River running path

15. Getting myself out of my self-pity streak

16. Sunday pants

17. Maki at Sushi of Gari

18. Red wine

19. My boss

20. The steam room

21. Cynthia freaking Erivo

22. John Lithgow in The Crown

23. Mom

24. White sage

25. Turkey meatballs

26. The pink light

27. Joan Didion

28. The New York Public Library

29. When the sun comes out

30. The concept of Shiva and how Judaism treats grief

31. The Penn Alumni Database

32. Zumba with Yxia O.

33. A new good sports bra

34. Melinda Gates

35. Chuck Schumer

36. The Daily Action

37. The control I feel from daily rituals

38. Meditation

39. My friend for validating my feelings

40. My health

41. Trader Joes

42. Ziploc bags

43. Fluffy scarves


45. Central Park

46. Reorganizing my closet and shopping in my own wardrobe

47. This is Us

48. Drag queens

49. Platonic male friendship

50. Forgiveness

51. Dancing

52. Chapstick

53. Humidifiers

54. Homemade candles from Leah

55. Female mentorship

56. Me time

57. That he asked me to dinner!

58. Girl talk

59. Not going out

60. The Second Avenue Subway


62. Washington Square Park

63. When you pay the check and linger…and no one needs the table

64. Indoor potted plants

65. Trendy sweatpants (and that this concept is definitely a thing)

66. Snow days

67. A good book

68. My mom discovering Bitmoji

69. My cousin getting a much deserved vacation with her husband

70. Extended and adopted family

71. The Theater Development Fund

72. Global Entry

73. Fish tacos

74. That he got the job and is coming home

75. Brian Boisvert for everything and being so invested in my progress

76. Shifting perspective, remembering that I have the power to do that in the first place

77. Extra strength Tylenol

78. Unsweetened almond milk

79. That my friends are dating good dudes

80. Scoring cheap Amtrak tickets

81. Sprinkles

82. That she’s deferring a year and will stay in New York and hang out with me

83. The Bomba Party

84. That she is living her best life in SF even though I miss her a lot

85. That he made things right, even if it took a while

86. That they are pregnant!

87. Dogs

88. Baby shoes

89. Betsy LeFae

90. Living alone

91. Escaping to warm weather

92. Comfortable silences

93. Nurses

94. Time

95. Moonlight winning Best Picture

96. Challah

97. When you adjust to a new normal

98. Birthdays

99. Swell water bottle

100. Google Docs and Spreadsheets Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Hayley Brooks

I’m a New York based twenty-something writer and creative producer who seeks the perfect balance between high and lowbrow.

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