When You Insult Someone By Saying ‘Pussy’ Or ‘Dick’ This Is What’s Between The Lines

I remember the first time I was called a “pussy.” It was not a word I took as an insult. It was more astonishing to me that what could be so wrong in being a cat. I was 12 then. I did not know what “pussy” really meant when said like that. Then came the word “dick.” Anyone who doesn’t live up to our standards about how to live and think is a dick.

“Pussy” and “Dick” are obscenities, yes, but they are also insults. I wonder why?

These two words represent the parts of human body that we are supposed to hide from the world. Are they really that bad? Is it really that shameful to be a girl, or a man, that we would associate having genitals with cowardice, or being rude or unjust? What made us reach a point where we started using their names as a form of deprecation? Are we really that ashamed of our bodies that we would use their form as an insult?

We, as human beings, are supposed to love our bodies, and embrace them as they are. Embrace ourselves as we are.

The moment we begin to doubt ourselves, and reject our bodies, and beings, we give the world the chance to use it against us. And this is why it is so easy to use these words as insults. Because we have no self respect, no self love, and self appreciation.

When we insult someone by calling them a “dick” or a “pussy,” we are not insulting them: We are insulting the idea that being human is the most unclean form a being can be.

We show more of what we think of our own bodies than the person we’re insulting.

We were supposed to be beautiful. We were supposed to embrace who we were. And when we started rejecting our own selves, we started looking down upon the act of being human. Yes, she is a woman and he is a man. Whatever is wrong with that?

If we started cultivating a culture of acceptance, we would probably start hurting people less. And maybe in the process of hurting people less, we will learn to love our selves, and our bodies as they are. And maybe feel proud to have a “pussy” or a “dick.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Haseeb Sultan Abdul

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