
My Journey as a Skin Influencer: Battling Eczema By Showcasing The Skin I’m In


Eczema, a skin condition that’s often overlooked, has been a constant companion in my life. As a skin influencer and educator, I’ve made it my mission to shed light on the silent struggles of eczema and the devastating consequences of topical steroid addiction. My journey has been marked by a lifelong battle with eczema, and it’s only in the last three years that I’ve begun to heal from the detrimental effects of topical steroid creams.

Eczema’s impact extends far beyond the surface of the skin, affecting both the physical and emotional aspects of life. The sporadic nature of topical steroid withdrawal means that some days I’m housebound, while on others, I’m fully functional. This unpredictability adds to the challenges of managing chronic skin conditions, making it difficult to maintain a consistent routine.

Eczema has the power to turn seemingly ordinary activities, like going on holiday, into a source of anxiety and concern. The emotional toll it takes is profound, leading to restless nights filled with tossing and turning. The incessant itching can be maddening, and the feeling of not being at my best affects my self-esteem and overall well-being.

One of the most disheartening aspects of my journey is how eczema remains normalized and seldom discussed. Even when it significantly impacts productivity or disrupts sleep patterns, I’ve often internalized my struggles, enduring the pain in silence. The stigma associated with eczema can be isolating, leaving me with the sense that my suffering is not valid or significant enough to warrant attention.

Children with eczema face unique struggles as well. Research has shown that children with eczema tend to perform worse in school. The sleepless nights they endure take a toll on their ability to focus and learn. Moreover, the constant itching and discomfort they experience may be stunting their growth due to their inability to sleep soundly (you can read more about this topic in this article). The lack of empathy and understanding that eczema receives in society is a major challenge. I’ve often heard the phrase, “It’s not cancer,” being used to downplay the condition, as if it were somehow less significant. The severity of eczema depends on where it manifests on the skin, making it either noticeable or invisible. When others fail to recognize the condition, it becomes difficult for me to receive the sympathy and support I need.

This lack of recognition and empathy is particularly pronounced among people with black and brown skin, like mine. Eczema on such skin types is frequently undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or diagnosed late. This issue is exacerbated by the limited representation of eczema on black and brown skin in medical literature and public awareness campaigns. The result is a significant disparity in access to proper treatment and support.

Comparing eczema to other health conditions highlights the lack of empathy and understanding it receives. A person with a broken leg is readily sympathized with because the injury is visible and easily recognized. Even the after-effects of heart attacks, though not visible, are comprehensible to most people, which makes the condition more likely to garner sympathy. This stark contrast underscores the plight of chronic skin sufferers like me who struggle with an invisible condition that often goes unnoticed.

The financial burden of eczema should not be underestimated. I’ve personally spent a substantial amount of money on treatments, trying to find relief and maintain my skin’s health. This financial strain can further isolate those of us who suffer from the condition, limiting our ability to enjoy hobbies, socialize with friends, or lead fulfilling lives.

In conclusion, my journey as a skin influencer and educator is a testament to the fact that eczema extends far beyond skin-deep. The emotional distress, sleep disturbances, and societal indifference have made it a silent but substantial burden in my life. It’s essential to break the stigma surrounding eczema, offer support to all individuals, regardless of their skin type, and acknowledge it as a significant comorbidity of the disease. Increased awareness and understanding are crucial steps in addressing the silent struggles of eczema and providing better care and empathy to those living with this condition.

It’s essential to break the stigma surrounding eczema, offer support to all individuals, regardless of their skin type, and acknowledge it as a significant comorbidity of the disease.

β€”Harriet Williams

If you’d like to connect with me and learn more about my journey and advocacy, you can find me on Instagram and TikTok @eczemawithharrii. Your support and engagement are greatly appreciated as we work together to spread awareness and understanding of eczema and topical steroid addiction.

For further resources and information on eczema and topical steroid addiction, I recommend visiting the International Topical Steroid Awareness Network. It’s an invaluable resource for those seeking more information and support on this topic.

Credit to Daria Szotek for featured photos (Website & Instagram).