30 Hilarious Photos Of Inanimate Objects That Mildly Resemble A Penis

1. Must’ve been a giant or something.

Source: Imgur

2. When you see it…

Source: Imgur

3. That’s what happens when I watch Baywatch!

Source: Imgur

4. Yo! Gabba Gabba! Check this out!

Source: Imgur

5. I prefer cucumbers.

Source: Imgur

6. Putting frosting on it must’ve been fun.

Source: Imgur

7. I’m thankful for this photo.

Source: Imgur

8. Some mug.

Source: Imgur


Source: Imgur

10. Bubble sword for kids… Or a sex toy?

Source: Imgur


Source: Imgur

12. I’ve never heard of ‘Choking the clam’ before.

Source: Imgur

13. Talk about disappointing.

Source: Imgur

14. His milkshake brings all the giraffes to the yard…

Source: Imgur

15. Those Vikings sure did love their phallic humor.

Source: Imgur

16. Speaking of Scandinavian dick humor, check out this tree from IKEA.

Source: Imgur

17. Tony, get that shoe off your dick!

Source: Imgur

18. Deer. They will eat your trees and leave you with this giant ‘Fuck You.’

Source: Imgur

19. ‘Pipe’

Source: Imgur

20. This ice cream IS magic.

Source: Imgur

21. Jump for joy when you get an erection while flying.

Source: Imgur

22. Swedes sure do love their penis-shaped objects.

Source: Imgur

23. Even Mother Nature is in on it.

Source: Imgur

24. This is from an elementary school.

Source: Imgur

25. ‘P’ & ‘P’

Source: Imgur

26. Yet another example of getting screwed.

Source: Imgur

27. Poorly placed thumb.

Source: Imgur

28. What’s wrong with this limp cactus?

Source: Imgur

29. Enough bones to grow a bush.

Source: Imgur

30. Apparently I’ve been drinking space jizz?

Source: Imgur

About the author

Harold Holger

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